A team of enthusiasts from the young studio Sunscorched Studios presented a fresh gameplay teaser for their debut project - Dead Space-inspired space horror Negative Atmosphere, first unveiled in February.
The video shows quite a bit: the main character’s movement along the corridor, where he meets with one of the local monsters, is not taken by bullets, so the character dies quickly enough, not following the advice to run away from the creature.
The project resembles Dead Space not only with gameplay mechanics and setting, but also partially with the plot: the spaceship was struck by an unknown epidemic that not only turned people into monsters, but also led to a malfunction of the ship and local artificial intelligence.
Players in the role of one of the survivors - the physician Edward - have to somehow escape, trying to save and look for a few resources.
By the end of the year, developers plan to release an hourly demo of the Negative Atmosphere, which is a vertical cut of the game. The team will use the probe to further promote the project on Kickstarter.
It is noteworthy that the developers hid the previous clips of the project, presented in February and April. Perhaps this is due to the fact that before the game was too similar to Dead Space even in design, but now it has begun to find its own face.